1/2 white, 1/2 Korean dude on the Korean attitude towards interracial relationships:
- It's illegal to join the military in Korea if you're racially mixed.
- In North Korea it is law that women must get an abortion if the fetus is/might be mixed
WHOA!!!! Extreme.
Koreans are giant assholes when it comes to race. Being mixed is pretty much the grossest thing ever to them, and my parents actually left because they wanted a kid, but not in a country where it'd be illegal for it to go to school (true fact!). I think the Korean side of my family either hate me or assume my mom had an abortion or something. I met my grandma for the first and last time once when I was eleven. I've never had contact with anyone else from that side of my family. In fact I've never even seen photographs of most of them. I wonder if I look like anyone over there. Probably not.
Sometimes I feel like I was put together by some mad scientist with shitty einstein hair and a bag of mr. potato head parts. I mean, I found out the other day that my eyes don't ever close all the way because my fucking gook eyelids aren't big enough for my white person eyeballs. So I sleep with my eyes open a crack, always. Seriously. My retarded cross eyed cat is the only other case of open eyed sleeping I've come across. And she's fucking retarded. I thought about putting her down once, out of mercy. Then I decided I didn't want her dead eyeballs staring at me accusingly as I buried her in a dumpster, so she's alive.
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