March 1, 2010


"ostriches only have two legs. they also have quite pointy heads"

- text message from my 60-something year old dad, from across the continent. 11:09 pm today, apparently worth the long distance charges.

if you do enough acid, you will one day feel the need to randomly text your kids this sort of stuff.

you will also feel the need to only wear a robe, miniskirt length, around the house on a day to day basis. and says stuff like "hey, i took a bath six days ago - whats the big deal?"

when i was 8 or so my dad tried to convince me he was related to a coyote.

when do i know whether or not my dad has become senile? for someone who pissed in the kitchen sink once because it was funny, and had a bonding experience with a seagull that landed in my living room as a kid, it can be really hard to differentiate old age dementia dad from normal dad hilariousness.

i feel like he just smoked a joint with an ostrich just now. role models come in all forms.

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