either i'm floating on a mixture of acid, ecstasy, freebase and pixie stix - or there are really a hundred tie dyed black guys with pom poms dancing in unison while diana ross runs around hand in hand with a midget covered in sparkles on my TV.
when you don't sleep regularly for long enough your dreams begin to unfold in real life and real life becomes a weird ___ hour period where you watch your dreams on TV while looking for the weather network.

now a bunch of crack dealers that just so happen to be crows are hasslin' michael jackson - probably for the 80 bucks of unicorn tranquelizer they fronted him. MJ as a scarecrow all tangled up on a quasi-crucifix is a really really weird thing to see.
eight months ago i moved my stuff into my parents place with the intention of staying for a week, so i could get my shit together. fast forward to today and this is what i'm doing while waiting for my chicken nuggets to be done. so basically if you do enough drugs to ruin your life and lose your apartment, good things will happen to you. if you're me. and get handed one high five after another by whoever programs the cosmos.

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